
Indiagro Bhuastra Super 2kg

Original price was: ₹1,512.00.Current price is: ₹1,499.00.

Indiagro Bhuastra Super 2Kg offers an organic solution for combating tough and recurrent crop damages caused by soil-borne insects and pests such as white grub, crickets, cutworms, snails, and termites. It revitalizes soil health while preserving beneficial soil organisms.

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Indiagro Bhuastra Super 2Kg offers an organic solution for combating tough and recurrent crop damages caused by soil-borne insects and pests such as white grub, crickets, cutworms, snails, and termites. It revitalizes soil health while preserving beneficial soil organisms. The product contains Caryophyllene, a natural soil substance that deters soil pests from attacking plant roots. It introduces neurotoxins that incapacitate pests by inhibiting muscle contractions, thereby preventing crop damage.

Safety Guidelines:


Use according to recommended dosage and application methods provided by Indiagro.

Protective Gear:

Wear appropriate protective clothing, gloves, and goggles during handling and application to minimize exposure.


Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and keep out of reach of children and pets.


Dispose of empty containers responsibly according to local regulations.


Seansonal Recommendations:



Apply Bhuastra Super before planting to create a protective barrier against early-season pests like white grub and cutworms. This helps in preventing initial infestations and promotes healthy root development.


Early Season:

Monitor crops regularly for signs of pest activity, especially during warmer months when soil-borne pests like crickets and termites are most active. Apply Bhuastra Super as a preventive measure if pest pressure is observed.


Early Season:

Post-Harvest: After harvesting, incorporate Bhuastra Super into soil preparation activities for the next planting cycle. This helps in maintaining soil health and prevents overwintering pests from damaging soil and roots.


After harvesting, incorporate Bhuastra Super into soil preparation activities for the next planting cycle. This helps in maintaining soil health and prevents overwintering pests from damaging soil and roots.


Off-Season Maintenance:

During the dormant season, assess soil conditions and plan for the upcoming planting season. Consider applying Bhuastra Super to manage any residual pests and prepare soil for spring planting.

Product Efficacy Studies:

  • Significant reduction in pest populations.
  • Improved crop yield and quality.
  • Minimal impact on beneficial soil organisms.
  • Long-lasting protection against recurring pest infestations.

Expert Advice and Tips :

  • Application Timing:Apply Bhuastra Super during early stages of pest infestations or as a preventive measure before planting to maximize effectiveness.
  • Dosage: Follow recommended dosage guidelines based on crop type and severity of pest infestation for optimal results.
  • Application Method: Ensure thorough coverage of treated areas to reach pests effectively. Incorporate into soil or apply as a spray depending on pest and crop needs.
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Incorporate Bhuastra Super into an IPM strategy for sustainable pest management practices.
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